Google New Rules For Bloggers Be Updated this the most Important thing to know about Google for Bloggers since the day is passing by heres come the New Generations for bloggers. This is message came From BloggerForum thanks for thier help and informations. i would like to share this to other people so they can be aware what is happening in the online business and Multimedia resources this the message is about. "Impressions are no longer measured only by searches and clicks, according to Google. In the Instant era, it also counts if a user stops typing, and results are displayed for three seconds or more--the length of pause to take a sip of coffee" this is from iamnothappy. " The easiest way to do this is to configure your webservers to not serve the registration when our crawler visits your pages (when the User-Agent is "Googlebot-News"). It is equally important that your robots.txt file allows access by Googlebot-News. You may wish to allow other Google User-Agents to access your content as well, such as Google Web Preview (you can find the full User-Agent string for Google Web Preview in the Google Web Preview FAQ). Google New Rules For Bloggers Be Updated so be sure the things are going just Fine. Hope this Will help you to know about something.
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