Fast five the movie galaxy ace hvga game is the game version for smart phones and playable to all. you just need to follow instruction to play it. this file is share by others and not own by the Site. if you are the owner of the link just contact and inform us and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
Listen Carefully and Focus this is you are going to Do. "first extract cache i given and nake a new folder of name GloftF5HP and put all three files you get after extract in this folder
now put GloftF5HP folder in sdcard/gameloft/games/
now install apk but remember not open it
now in GloftF5HP folder you see res folder in that you see video of name LOGO_Gameloft_480x800.MP4
copy it some where and use kies to convert it. converted video replace in res folder
now download backup here and extract it.Backup
copy all files you get in backup file to titaniumbackup folder in sdcard
now open titanium backup
and locate fast five game and restore. but only restore data
now reboot phone and start game"
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